Can you provide custom floral designs for my event?

Yes! All of our designs are custom based on client requests.

What types of events do you specialize in?

We excel at creating memorable events of all sizes and select weddings throughout the year.

How far in advance should I book your services for my event?

Our event planning services are available for bookings ranging from one year in advance to as little as two weeks before the event. Please note that all bookings are subject to availability.

Can you work within my event budget?

We cater to events of all sizes!

How do I place an order on your website?

Here :)

Do you offer same-day delivery?

We offer deliveries every Wednesday.  If you’d like to make a custom order, please email us at hey@mallory.la and we’ll try our best to accommodate.

How do I care for the flowers once I receive them?

Yay! You’ve received flowers! Please take a moment to:

Cut the stems: Before placing your flowers in a vase, cut the stems at a 45-degree angle. This allows for better water absorption and will help your flowers last longer.  You can also recut your stems every 2 days to help revive them.

Change the water: Be sure to change the water in your vase every two days. This will help prevent bacteria growth and keep your flowers looking fresh.

Keep flowers away from direct sunlight and heat: Sunlight and heat can cause flowers to wilt quickly. Keep your flowers in a cool, shaded area to extend their life.